Thursday, October 21, 2010

Exit Slip 10.21.10

Three classmates held a discussion on Chapter 6: The Different Eras of Education.  They did a really great job involving themselves into each discussion group and circulating around the room.  One gal asked very specific questions to our group that kept us thinking and on topic.  They seemed very well prepared and as though they spent time planning their activity.  I liked how knowledgeable they were on their chapter and how they even touched on previous chapters.  Boyer talked about being more creative and not making discussion all verbal.  Some students are not confident speakers. "Jigsaw" grouping is when you have a discussion group, which I found very interesting. Maybe my group can use that idea when we group for our discussion. Another great idea would be to summarize at the end ("summary frame").

Next in class Boyer gave us some tips and tricks for our SMART Board lessons.  It is important to lock items! Then objects can't be moved on accident. You can always unlock it also. He also talked about color choice in our lessons. We need to make sure we play close attention and make sure our font color is readable against our background colors. Font numbers higher than 36 are ideal because we want to make sure our students can read the board from far away. I plan on checking all the areas he touched on when I finalize my SMART Board lesson.

Boyer let us know that he loves when we come to his office with questions! It's not an inconvenience! He is also on skype. Pretty impressive :) Oh and just don't use the camera when you are in your pjs.

We also talked about our SWOT project. I had already picked my tool, but it was nice hearing more details about the assignment.

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